Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Just under two months left till we get married. It's all very exciting. The last three weeks have been rather hard since I was gone in Korea and Japan with the BYU Wind Symphony. We toured there and performed in a lot of different halls and ended up playing for over 8000 people spread across 11 concerts. The people there are great and very loving. I got to see Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines as well as some very neat castles in Japan (they really know how to build them there).

Here's me at the Golden Pagoda in Kyoto, Japan.

This is outside the building that houses a 50 ft. Buddha Statue.
The building itself is 160ft. tall! Nara, Japan

The people there are great and
were very generous to us. Being away from Tiffany for so long was hard but we made it through. I am glad to be back with her again.

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